What happened today (June 10th, 2007)...
"The Wedding Ceremony" of the Royal Wedding of Her Royal Highness Princess Hajah Majeedah Nuurul Bulqiah and YM Pengiran Khairul Khalil bin Pengiran Syed Hj Jaafari. In Malay, we call it "Majlis Istiadat Bersanding". It is then followed by a procession (that is, "Acara Perarakan"). The procession took place around the town area (from Istana Nurul Iman to the capital city, BSB & also returning back).
We watched the procession somewhere near "Balai Bomba". We went there in a large group. It took quite a long time for us to get there (not to mention it was really tiring!!).
How we got to the place...
- we took a boat ("temuai") to a ferry/ship provided
*waiting for the ship to be fully occupied took almost an hour
- the ship then arrived at BSB (somewhere near "Tambing")
*travelling time was about 10 minutes
- walking to the provided place took us about 10 minutes
*we waited for about 30 minutes before we walked to the scene
- we then waited for the procession...for hours (but worth it hehe)
What about pix??...
Left: temuai, Right: ferry/ship
Left: a scenery of BSB, Right: a little bit of entertainment
Left & Right: ermmm...dunno what to call them
Left & Right: the Royal Couple
Left: Another pic of the Royal Couple, Right: His Majesty, Her Majesty & Her Royal Highness
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